Fireballs in various sizes. J001, J002, J003,
Our new Fireball Spheres are designed to create a coal bed for gas, ethanol or wood fires. Made from specialised refractory materials, the balls can withstand high temperatures whilst hiding the burner components. The spheres come in 100mm, 140mm, 200mm,220mm, 300mm, 340mm, 400mm & 500mm diameters.
Product code: J001, J002, J003, J004, J005, J006, J007, J008
Product code: J001, J002, J003, J004, J005, J006, J007, J008

Fireballs in various sizes. J001, J002, J003,

Fireballs in various sizes. J001, J002, J003,

Fireballs in various sizes. J001, J002, J003,

Fireballs in various sizes. J001, J002, J003,